Be Your S.E.L.F.
The world is all a-buzz with authenticity! Literally, right now, one of the trendiest things to be is the polar opposite of “trendy.” Everyone wants to be authentic and coaches who want to sell you their method for being more authentic are suddenly everywhere.
Dr. Scott has been showing what authentic looks like and giving it a clear definition with the SASS since 2005, when the Self-Aware Success Strategies started out as the 7 Childhood Treasures. Let her teach you what she’s long known: authenticity is as simple and complex as being your S.E.L.F. – your Self-governed, Ego-aware, Leading, and Free self.
“In the simplest terms, living as your S.E.L.F. means responsibly governing your life and staying the heck out of any efforts to govern anyone else’s life.”
~from Just Be Your S.E.L.F. —Your Guide to Improving Any Relationship by Dr. L. Carol Scott
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Self-governed: Sovereign, self-accountable, self-regulating, self-ownership
Ego-aware: Conscious of the ‘small self,’ the talking mind, and always considering a wider view
Leading: Choosing, owning, setting direction, taking responsibility, serving
Free: Open, able, aligned, ‘in the flow’
And THAT is some SASSy living!
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