SASSy Coaching

Customize the care you need to transform your life. Lose that sense of emptiness, trash the crippling perfectionism, and dump codependence. Dr. Scott offers a better way.

Gain the healthy boundaries, confidence, and solid sense of self worth you crave.

Ignite your passion, ditch the self-sabotaging, and discover your untapped potential.

Dr. Scott’s SASSy coaching is not therapy yet she takes you far beyond the basics of “change your mindset.” Dr. Scott’s Development Do-Overs call forth your best self, empower your voice, and position you as the CEO of your life.

Her coaching strengthens your Self-Aware Success Strategies—your SASS—providing insights and tools to overcome fear of risk and change, heal self-destructive patterns created by trauma, and enable healthier relationships with those you love.

Use these links to Dr.Scott’s calendar to schedule the start of your new, joyful, peace-filled life.

Schedule Coaching

Give SASSy coaching a trial run in your life.
You will be surprised by how you can evolve in just one hour!


Schedule the first session, and save almost 40% on each session!


Schedule the first session,
and save more than 20% on
the next two sessions!



For a 20min chat with Carol to learn more, ask questions, and discover the unique value of SASSy coaching for your life.


Download SASS Manisfesto

The SASS Manifesto is your daily affirmation. Increase your self-awareness and affirm your success with SASS!

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Try a Free SASSy Sunday Salon

Try a Free SASSy Sunday Salon

SASSy Sunday Salons are open to anyone who wants to discuss the seven Self-Aware Success Strategies and their daily application in life. Salons are “open house” style, so it’s fine if you can’t stay the full 90 minutes. Come a little late if you need to, leave a little early if you must. Just bring your best S.E.L.F.!

Learn more

Ratings & reviews

  •  "We were guided with such grace and ease into opening doors for ourselves. Carol's approach is soft, warm, authentic, and comfortable. I felt understood at a level that allowed me to be vulnerable enough to grow."

  •  "Really enjoyed Dr. Scott's humor, real-life experiences and great enthusiasm!"

  •  "She was awesome—very down to earth and I really felt she understood me."

  •  "Thanks for articulating what I've always instinctively known."

  •  "Provided a way "to explore my inner world, reality and thought process."
