SASSy Coaching
Customize the care you need to transform your life. Lose that sense of emptiness, trash the crippling perfectionism, and dump codependence. Dr. Scott offers a better way.
Ignite your passion, ditch the self-sabotaging, and discover your untapped potential.
Dr. Scott’s SASSy coaching is not therapy yet she takes you far beyond the basics of “change your mindset.” Dr. Scott’s Development Do-Overs call forth your best self, empower your voice, and position you as the CEO of your life.
Her coaching strengthens your Self-Aware Success Strategies™—your SASS—providing insights and tools to overcome fear of risk and change, heal self-destructive patterns created by trauma, and enable healthier relationships with those you love.
Use these links to Dr.Scott’s calendar to schedule the start of your new, joyful, peace-filled life.
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Give SASSy coaching a trial run in your life.
You will be surprised by how you can evolve in just one hour!
Schedule the first session, and save almost 40% on each session!
Schedule the first session,
and save more than 20% on
the next two sessions!
For a 20min chat with Carol to learn more, ask questions, and discover the unique value of SASSy coaching for your life.
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